Privacy Policy

We respect and value your privacy


Effective Date: December 01, 2022

Information Collection and Use

ZOOLOOK (‘ZOOLOOK’) is strongly committed to respecting the privacy rights of all visitors to our websites. This privacy policy is intended to provide you with the information on how we collect, use and store the information that you provide to us through our web sites so that you can make appropriate choices for sharing information with us. Your use of any Irie website constitutes acceptance of this Privacy Policy and any other applicable terms. The Terms of Service for this website are hereby incorporated by reference.


ZOOLOOK owns and operates the web site ZOOLOOK located at In addition, we own several other domain names that point to the web sites listed above. From time to time we may add new sites that may not be listed above, but will provide a link to this policy.

The information we collect

For each visitor to our website, our web-server automatically recognizes NO information regarding the domain or e-mail address. The information we collect is:

  • used to improve the content on ZOOLOOK.
  • used to notify visitors about updates to ZOOLOOK.
  • never shared with other organizations for commercial purposes.


We do not use or disclose information about your individual visits to ZOOLOOK or information that you may give us, such as your name, address, email address or telephone number, to any outside companies.