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ZOOLOOK | Pocketgamer – Sony’s handheld has a dark and geeky secret

ZOOLOOK | Pocketgamer - Sony’s handheld has a dark and geeky secret

The premise of Agent HITLESS is nothing to get too excited about: Superpowered vigilantes on the run from the evil corporations that gave them their superpowers are bread and butter in the world of comics.

But even an unoriginal story told well can do much more than hold its own, and Agent HITLESS proves to be an entertaining frame flicker despite its humdrum plot. Drip feeding information and utilizing the show-don’t-tell dynamic of the comic format to deft effect, Agent HITLESS is predictable yet gripping at once.

The two free episodes of the made-for-PSP comic released so far (though there is support for other handheld devices, too) showcase a visual style that less seasoned comic fans will be much more instantly familiar with. The site that accompanies the comic is also very slick, and features wallpapers and a streaming soundtrack (which is available on iTunes).

The comic’s creator, Nicholas Da Silva, is also the author of Flash Filmmaking 101, which explains why the Agent HITLESS website is such a joy to behold. We expect great things from Da Silva in the future and in the meantime, the first two episodes of Agent HITLESS are a good indication of what is to come.

(This article originally appeared on PocketGamer.com, written by Fraser MacInnes)