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ZOOLOOK | Web Designer Issue 173 – Convert Flash video to HTML 5

ZOOLOOK | Web Designer Issue 173 - Convert Flash video to HTML 5

No Flash Video on the iPad? No Problem!

Nicholas Da Silva and Daniel Zhu will show you how to convert your flash-based video page and video files to HTML5 for viewing on the iPad!

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the past 12 months, you’ve probably heard about the little feud brewing between Apple and Adobe over Steve Job’s decision to ban Flash content from it’s iPad and iPhone/iPod Touch devices. As a flash developer, enthusiast and supporter, I was greatly disappointed by this decision, especially since Adobe previously announced that one of CS5’s feature would include the capability of exporting any flash app as an iPhone app.

Nevertheless, we now find ourselves having to rework FlashTV so that iPad lovers can enjoy the best of flash-generated storytelling. Fortunate for us, there is a word that is quietly becoming the new web standard to embed video into a web page … HTML5. This is clearly evident with Google’s creation of the Youtube HTML5 beta page. So until the war of the worlds (Apple & Adobe) is resolved, FlashTV must join the new revolution, the HTML5 revolution.